Humpty Dumpty

Humpty-Dumpty, hip-o'-to-hop,

Baby is crying, why doesn't he stop?

What does he cry for? his clothing is tight;

No wonder such things make baby a fright.

Humpty-dumpty, hip-o'-to-hop,

Baby was crying, but now he will stop;

What did he cry for? his clothing was wet;

No wonder such things should make babies fret.

Humpty-dumpty, hip-o'-to-hop,

Baby is crying, oh, when will he stop?

What does he cry for? his feet are a-cold;

No wonder such things should make baby scold.

Humpty-dumpty, hip-o'-to-hop,

Baby is crying, but soon he will stop;

What does he cry for? he had too much food;

No baby in this way can ever be good.

Humpty-dumpty, hip-o'-to-hop,

Baby is laughing and scarcely will stop;

What does he laugh for? Oh, when he feels well,

He always is happy,--'tis thus we can tell.

