Remember The Poor

"SWEET, my darling, come and see

What mamma has brought for thee;

Garments soft and ribbons bright,

Hat and coat, a pretty sight;

Sweet, my child, what shall we do

With the old, now you've the new?"

"Why, mamma, this frock and frill,

These are good and pretty still.

But as they are quite too small,

Give them, please, to Lillie Ball

In the cottage by the hill,

She'll be glad, I know she will;

For mamma, they're very poor,

And 'tis cold to cross the moor

In their tattered garments few;

Mamma, may I give the new?"

"No, my child, and yet you may

Sometimes give new things away.

Keep your pennies, and they'll be

Dollars, by and by, two, three;

Thus you now and then may have

Something new and fresh to give."

