Signs Of The Zodiac

THE annual path of the Sun,

The Ecliptic is called, as we see,--

And a belt, eight degrees, on each side,

The Zodiac ever will be.

The principal planets all seem

To move in the zodiac lines,

While the belt, of itself, is cut up

Into twelve equal parts, called the Signs.

And these signs were first named, we are told,

From thei
fancied resemblance to beasts,

Which astronomers thought they could see

In the stars, from the West to the East.

There is Aries, the Ram, then the Bull,

Which is Taurus,--then Gemini, Twins;

Then Cancer, a Crab and then Leo,

A Lion, and Virgo, Virgin.

Next Libra, the Balance or Scales,

And Scorpio, a Scorpion (with sting),--

Sagittarius, the Archer or Arrow,--

Capricornus, a Goat's horn we bring.

Aquarius, the Bearer of Water,--

And Pisces, or Fish from the sea,--

All together make twelve, and a wonder

It is, that these fancies should be.

