Lesson 9

Analyze the following examples of the Two-Part Song-form.

Define the form of each Part, marking and classifying all cadences; and

indicate introductions and codas (or codettas), if present. The first

step in the analysis of these forms is to divide the whole composition

into its Parts, by defining the end of Part One. The next step is to

define the beginning of Part One, and end of Part Two, by separating

the introdu
tion and coda (if present) from the body of the form.

Beethoven, pianoforte sonatas: op. 57, Andante, Theme.

Op. 109, Andante, Theme.

Op. 111, last movement, Theme of Variations.

Op. 79, Andante, first 8 measures (unusually small); same sonata,

last movement, first 16 measures.

Op. 54, first 24 measures (each Part repeated).

Op. 31, No. 3, Menuetto (without Trio).

Op. 26, Trio of Scherzo; also last movement, first 28 measures

(second Part repeated).

Op. 27, No. 2, Trio of Allegretto.

Mozart, pianoforte sonatas: No. 2 (Peters edition), Andante, measures

1-20; and measures 21-40.

Schumann, op. 68, No. 7; No. 4; No. 35; No. 42; No. 23 repeated; last

16 1/2 measures, (coda).

