
Educing is bringing out or causing to appear. Teachers impart and call

that educating. The reverse of the common way is best. Instead of

imparting all the time to the pupil seek to draw out from the pupil that

which is in him. Cause it to appear. In this way will one's teaching

faculty be improved and he will become the better teacher. Often the

education must be against counter influences and, it seems frequently,

f it were against the wish of the student himself. Yet the skillful

teacher can overcome the prejudice of the pupil and the adverse

influences, and reach his results. A help in thus using one's skill lies

in the fact that what is to be drawn out lies divided into two distinct

classes. One is that which pertains to execution and the other to

knowledge. They are widely separated. The first is to be trained so that

it cares for itself without the thought of the student or singer and

the other so that it is always ready to respond to the quickest thought.

There is in the two classes variety enough to keep the most active

teacher on the alert and to make for him the highest kind of

ministration to mankind which is open to anyone. Later may come the

comfort of joining the two classes, synthetically, thereby making the

rounded and completed artist.

It occurs to one's thought at once that he who would draw out what there

is in another, must know something of the machinery which he would cause

to act and also of the mind which is in command of that machinery. This

is the basis of the teacher's education, without which he cannot be a

good teacher. As a young teacher he has the right to teach those who

know less than he does. He imparts then. As an educator he must be more

than what he was at first. He must keep his own education above that of

his fellows and he must become able to educe.

