Time Ends Not

We may say with Emerson that "Time has his own work to do and we have

ours," and with Wood, "Labor is normal; idleness, abnormal," but in

music there must be times of cessation from labor. Call it change of

work, if you choose rather than admit that labor has ceased, but

experience shows that no musician can safely follow his calling year in

and year out, with no regular period of rest, and save his mind and

body. Soon
r or later comes a collapse. The human machine breaks down.

Then we shall think of Emerson and Wood as unsafe leaders. Time has his

work, but he works in such deliberation and in such ever-changing form

that were he one who could feel fatigue, he need not feel it. Time is

from eternity to eternity. Time does not occupy a human machine. The

music teacher does. Many a teacher has toiled beyond his strength this

year. Many will next year. Who will take thought for himself and break

loose, if but for a few weeks, and postpone the time of breaking down?

One might say, that with Time, the human soul is from eternity to

eternity and there is no breakdown. True, but the residence of that soul

while it is in this period of existence, demands much of its attention.

That cannot properly be given when the exacting duties of the class-room

drag on week after week, till they number fifty-two, and then begin at

once another weary round. Admit that there are limitations, and, in

cordial co-operation with existing laws, select and use the days of

idleness, even if one has said that idleness is abnormal.

