Wait For Results

Some of us are slow to learn the lesson, waiting for results. We feel

that at one bound we must and will achieve the great success which is

our ideal. Youth is enthusiastic and believes in itself. Nothing daunts

it, save the realization of limited success and that realization comes

not quickly. There are circumstances which cannot be forced; there are

laws which prevent our reaching too far or going too quickly. Under them
/> we chafe but in time we come to know that those laws place boundaries of

limitation about us. We then begin to inspect the laws just as one bound

with cords might be supposed to study his binding after having tried in

vain to tear himself free. Then is when he discovers that by knowing

natural law he can shape his course so that he is not antagonized but

aided by his environments and curbings. He then discovers that he can

even use the laws which seemed to restrain as his power. But it takes

long to learn that lesson. Stripes, which cut and burn, must have been

received before one can know that he must not fret and be impatient for

quick results. "Patience overcometh all things." "Seek and ye shall

find." Remember that the early fruit decays quickest. The rosy apple,

when all of its fellows are green, has the worm at the core. If you are

worthy of results they will come to you, but not in your way or time

perhaps. You can afford to wait.

