Dolly Dimple

DOLLY DIMPLE, just for fun,

Stands to show us she is ONE.

Dolly and her sister Sue

Show that ONE and ONE make Two.

Dolly, Sue, and Nanny Lee,

Show that ONE with TWO make THREE.

Doll, Sue, Nan, and little Noah,

Show that ONE with THREE make FOUR

Doll, Sue, Nan, Noah, and Ben Brive

Show that ONE with FOUR make FIVE.

Now all these with Jenny Hicks

Show that ONE with FIVE make SIX.

One more, Ned, a baby, even,

Shows that ONE with SIX make SEVEN.

With these girls and boys, put Kate,

And the ONE with SEVEN make EIGHT.

All these eight, with Adaline

Show that ONE with EIGHT make NINE.

Now with these put Dick, and then

You'll see that ONE with NINE make TEN.

