The Attack

To attack a tone, the breath must be directed to a focal point on the

palate, which lies under the critical point for each different tone;

this must be done with a certain decisiveness. There must, however, be

no pressure on this place; for the overtones must be able to soar

above, and sound with, the tone. The palate has to furnish, besides,

the top cover against which the breath strikes, also an extremely

elastic flo
r for the breath sounding above it against the hard palate

or in the nose.

This breath, by forming the overtones, makes certain the connection

with the resonance of the head cavities.

In order to bring out the color of the tone the whirling currents must

vivify all the vowel sounds that enter into it, and draw them into

their circles with an ever-increasing, soaring tide of sound.

The duration of the tone must be assured by the gentle but

uninterrupted outpouring of the breath behind it. Its strength must be

gained by the breath pressure and the focal point on the palate, by

the complete utilization of the palatal resonance; without, however,

injuring the resonance of the head cavities. (See plate, representing

the attack.)

