Change Opinions

In these days of invention, discovery and progress, no one need be

ashamed of changing his opinions. In vocal music the ideas most commonly

held twenty years ago are being exchanged for something new. The man who

has made a change is often sneered at as "having a method." He may have

that, but he may only have advanced to new ground which is to be

occupied by common opinion a dozen years from now. The man who changed

rly was in advance of his fellows and would attract attention. Who

thought, outside of a very small circle, only forty years ago, that the

music of Wagner would become the most popular of any age? It is to-day

the music of the present and we are already looking for a "music of the

future." The present time is, in the manner of dealing with the singing

and speaking voice, a transition age. Ideas which are being taken up now

were scouted as nonsense twenty years ago. They will be commonly

accepted ten years from now. It is better to join the army of progress,

and change early, even if it does raise a laugh.

