Study Poetry

Every singer should be an earnest student of poetry. There are minds to

which poetry does not appeal as does the practical prose. But in all

minds there is enough of latent love of poetry which can be developed

until poetry appeals with even stronger force than does prose. Can your

heart glow with the beautiful sunset? Do you joy over the song of the

bird? Has the spring blossom a message of delicacy to you? Then have you

/> that love of nature which can give you understanding of the poet. A

faculty of mind exercised grows with its use. A singer must have

imagination. Without it, the best vocalization lacks the spark of true

life. Without it, coldness displaces warmth, and darkness, light. The

very essence of poetry is imagination. One word in poetry often suggests

that which practical prose uses ten words to express. The study of

poetry, that is, making poetry a study so that one knows what is in it,

helps make good singers. He who has not yet thus used poetry may well

plan something new for his winter evenings.

