
"It is the regularity of the laws of nature which leads us to put

confidence in them and enables us to use them." Thus writes Dr. McCosh

and he was a keen observer of men and things. His remark suggests that

teachers can and will be trusted and used who, by their regularity,

awaken confidence. He who attracts and enthuses can for a time command

attention. His work will only be lasting and his hold upon the musical

c be good when there is something of permanent value behind the

enthusiasm. Slowly but surely we are reaching the knowledge that in

music there is all of life, and that only as we make music part of

ourselves is our life rounded. We have reached the place when we can

feel that he who has no love of music suffers an infirmity akin to the

loss of sight or hearing. We have also reached the belief that everyone

must cultivate the musical faculty. We are passing through this life to

one beyond and he who raises himself nearest the perfect man, best uses

the span from birth to death. In and through music, especially on its

side of education, more can be done than can be in any other way.

General culture, college education, mental development are, in their

proper place, to be used but neither will do so much for man as will

music. In thus developing that faculty we acquire something also, which,

as executant musicians, gives us delightful influence over our fellows.

Such is the possibility of a teacher to so make mankind better that he

becomes a noble instrument of service in God's hand. But he who knows

his position best and by regularity of mind, body and estate, by system,

certainty and reliability, obtains the confidence of the musical

public, can best be used as an instrument in that service.

