Power Of Thought

The power of thought to exert influence is only in our day being

understood. How to utilize it is not yet in such degree of comprehension

that it can be told so that all are able to use the force which they

contain. Thought is a tangible essence passing from the human mind and

lodging upon the object toward which it is sent. Definite thought is

more powerful than is illy defined thought. Speech enables us to

thought and to empower it with added force. The time given to

framing sentences enables us to put thought into definite form. A step

beyond speech is obtained in singing. When learning our songs we revolve

the thought to be expressed in mind. The measure of the music gives time

to concentrate the thought contained into its most powerful form. The

rhythm and vibration which accompany music and singing, enhance the

power of thought. Whenever we sing in the true spirit of the sentiment

uttered we send out shafts, so to speak, of pure thought. Not one of

those is lost. It lodges somewhere, and as all good can never do harm,

our good thought, sent in song, must do good to those who come within

our influence to receive our good shafts. A singer who uses music for

vain display loses the opportunity for good. There is no good thought in

such singing. If there is any thought at all it is of the lower order.

It lodges also, but it appeals to that which is vain and low in our

hearers. What wonder is it, then, that ofttimes our hearers make unkind

remarks about us and our singing! It is our fault that we have stirred

up in them the spirit of vanity and criticism. Our thought has often

challenged such spirit in them. Let our thought be changed, and only the

good which is contained in poetic art sent out to them and their

attitude toward us will change. There is no unpleasant thing which comes

to us but that we stimulated it and created it. We can make our musical

surroundings by sending out powerful shafts of pure thought.

